Tuesday 28 May 2013

My ups and downs with one constant - God

I've had a few interesting weeks behind me and my mood has shifted more times than my pregnant sister. I almost feel lost in my world of music, riding on an intense roller coaster of "ups" and "downs". One minute I literally can't stop singing of excitement and the next minute my melody changes to extremely weird noises filled with doubt and fear.

A lot of people has warned me against this journey of mine, saying that it would be tough. But I see it more as a challenge and humbled that God has chosen this specific path for me. It's now that I've realised that opening myself up for the world to see (Im starting to like being over dramatic) has it's challenges. 

Feeling blue, I immediately think of my "get-over-yourself-plan" which follows the following steps.

Step 1. Go to the gym

Well. To be honest I didn't feel like running on the same spot for 20 minutes, then picking up heavy stuff just so that my entire body can hurt like hell the next morning. So I moved on to the next step

Step 2. Eat 

And not healthy food. No. The "I think I just ate a giraffe mixed with zebra burger and now I've turned into a hippo" food.

It felt good for 10 minutes, then I felt fat and was even more down that I didn't chose step 1 instead. 

Running out of steps I came home and automatically moved (with my hippo body) in front of my piano. At least my fingers would get some exercise. Then it dawned on me. What a big idiot I have been. What better way of getting my emotions out there than writing a song about it. 

Its a very simplistic song, with a very basic but extremely powerful message. 

>>No matter what, if I'm down or up, I will never stop singing His praises.<<

The recording is just an idea of the song, vocals and keys with some added strings. I would love to experiment with some electronic sounds and beats. 

I don't even have a name for it yet! If you get an idea, maybe let me know what you think? 
Click on the link to listen to the song

With our amazing God, He made me "stumble" across the following verse:

Coincidence? I think not! 

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