Thursday 30 May 2013

Be still

Click on the link to listen to The Fray cover- Be still
I told you that I was going to be honest on my blog. So here I go.

I watch Vampire Diaries. And Greys. And Brothers and Sisters. And. Well. Pretty much all the girly series. And I cry. A lot.

I wish I could say I wasn't so cliché. But when it comes to vampire love triangles and doctors whom the universe is against, I just can't help pulling the girl card. 

There, I admit it.

Ok, so what on earth has this to do with being still? 

Last year, in my Vampire marathon, I watched an episode where I came across a song, that at that moment of my life just blew me away. I immediately googled (what did we do before Google?) the song.

 "The fray - Be still" 

Yes, in the context of Vamps, one would suggest that its actually a bit strange that I'm linking this song to faith and God, but if you remove the song from the Damon-Elena-Stephan saga, it fits, well, perfectly. 

God says in Psalm 46: 10
" Be still, and know that I'm your God"

We feel our most alone when we are surrounded by noise. Noise of people not believing in you, noise of someone walking away, noise of our own voice screaming out our mistakes and regrets, noise of insecurities, the noise pain creates. 

Its when you become still, that you are able to hear the love of the people still standing by your side, your accomplishments, your worth, and most of all, you are able to hear God. 

In silence there is joy.

That's where God waits for you. 

You are never alone. Your just surrounded by noise. 

God wants you to have complete joy.


Be still.

I'm facing my fear of YouTube with a Rock&Roll attitude. 

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