Saturday 18 May 2013

Inspiration: First stop- All Sons and Daughters

All Sons and Daughters
Yesterday, I had the privilege meeting Nurden Cross, the General Manager of Christian Art Media. I was so excited and blessed that he made time for me, and, wow, driving home I never felt more inspired. For about 2 hours he gave me advice on my journey of becoming a full time gospel musician. One key point he mentioned is to know what is going on in the world. What music is everyone listening to? What type of songs are they writing? What style? What do people want to hear?

With Nurden on my side, we walked into a gospel shop and he showed me all the new up and coming artist, as well as the "old" favourites. With 3 CD's in my bag, I drove home and the music of All Sons and Daughters started to fill my ears.

At the moment this is my absolute favourite song, "Oh, how I need you" and I have probably listened to it about 50 times. What I just LOVE about their music is their amazing melody lines, where the harmonies just automatically fall into place. I would dare say it's not a main vocal with a harmony, but rather a duet, each melody as important as the other. When I listen to their music, Mumford and Sons  immediately come to mind ( another favourite of mine, and, well, the world). I love the country feel, especially the rhythm of the guitar and the live instruments all contribute to a real sound. Serving a real God.


I think so.

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