Sunday 19 May 2013

May I have this dance?

Click on the icon to listen to Dans 

People always ask me what inspires me to write a song. Is it a melody? The lyrics or a bible verse? For me, most of the time God gives me an image. I start dreaming about it, people will randomly start talking about it, and my thoughts would constantly move around it.

I am 24 and at this age all my friends are either in a extremely serious relationship,engaged, married, some even having babies and then there is me. The group of people falling into the single category. Where this group of people usually were the majority and absolutely loving every single moment (pun intended) the mood has sifted to an almost hysterical depression of "I'm going to DIE ALONE!" . This group tend to be of the female gender since our need for a relationship seems to be more intense. And the fear of being that scary cat lady has never found the male version (My love for cats has decreased just for safety).

My conversations with all my single girlfriends always tend to follow the same pattern. " I love my life." I can do whatever I want." "I just love having time for myself." "Did you hear they got engaged?" "Maybe at their wedding I will meet my man." "Will I ever meet the one?", "I had a date with an ass", "All the good ones are taken", "I hate being on my own.",  "I'm too fat.", "I hate my life". "I'm not good enough.", "I deserve to be alone."

And then it came. The image that blew me away. Simple.

I found myself on the dance floor. Surrounded by people, and this one man was standing in front of me. Looking at me. I kept looking around, hoping that someone would want to dance with me. Praying. And there He was. Standing. Waiting. When I finally realized that He was there, He took me in His arms and danced with me.  And it was just us. Nobody else. The other people just seemed to disappear. I felt worthy.

What we don't realize, is that in this time, our "single" time, we have the ultimate opportunity to give everything to Jesus. He wants us for Himself. We are so stressed out and spend most of our time looking, searching for "Mr. Right" that we completely miss the perfect man right in front of our eyes. Jesus.

We are not alone because we're not worthy, instead we should completely shift our way of thinking. We are alone because we ARE worthy. We deserve the best. And until  our man has been shaped by God to be the best, we will remain in Jesus's arms. Dancing. Enjoying every second with Him. Only when our "Mr. right" is right, will he have the guts to cut in with your dance with Jesus.

I have written a rough draft of a song, hoping it will bring justice to this image. I have written it in my home language, Afrikaans. and will give you just a rough translation. The song is sung out of Jesus's perspective.

Dans                                                                                 Dance

Jou oe dwaal, my lief                                                                  Your eyes are all around, my love
kyk na my                                                                                  Look at me
Neem my hand, vertrou op my                                                    Hold my hand, trust me
want ek is in beheer                                                                    I am in control
kom saam met my                                                                      Follow me

Liefling                                                                                       My dear
fokus net op my                                                                         Look at me
ek weet jys bang jy bly aleen                                                      I know you are afraid of being alone
maar jy's veilig hier by my                                                           But your safe with me
kom saam met my                                                                      Follow me

Kom dans met my, vertrou net op my                                         Dance with me, trust me
Kom draai hier in my arms rond,                                                Keep turning in my arms
voel die ritme in jou lyf                                                               Feel the rhythm in your body
want saam is ons alles,                                                               Together we are one
dis net ek en jy vanaand                                                             Tonight its just you and me
vergeet van jou pyn                                                                    Forget your pain
en kom dans                                                                              And dance

Ek kyk na jou, my lief'                                                              I look at you, my dear
so kosbaar vir my                                                                     Precious for me
as jy net deur my oe kon sien                                                    If you could see through my eyes
jou waarde heg aan my                                                             Attach your worth to Me
kom saam met my                                                                     Follow me

I have recorder a very rough version of this song on GarageBand, so please listen with a kind heart. I am still working on the arrangement and hopefully one day be able to record a good quality version of it. This is so scary, but here we go!!

When you feel down and the single depression bites you, look up.

He is right there.

Ready to dance.


  1. Dis aangrypend mooi, Andriette! Mag julle die dans geniet!

  2. Shoe. Dit het my stomgeslaan vanoggend.
